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American Pulse Research & Polling  ◦  Copyright © 2023

"You worked aggressively and swiftly to make things happen. I much value your down to earth character and sensibilities and being the sort of fellow more comfortable operating with transparency over withholding information and telling it like it is..”

Carl, President & CEO

“Your efforts are much appreciated. You worked aggressively and swiftly to make things happen. I much value your down to earth character and sensibilities and being the sort of fellow more comfortable operating with transparency over withholding information and telling it like it is with no spin.”

Carl, President & CEO

“I want to say thank you for being so amazing throughout the process, I am not sure who your manager is, but would like to tell them that your passion comes through and the fact that you are so honest. Thank you for helping me and my company."

Paula, CEO



American Pulse Research & Polling ◦  Copyright © 2023

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New Hampshire Presidential Poll Just Released!

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"Exceeded my expectations in every respect, conducting highly accurate polls about pending political races for me. They had an impressively fast turnaround time and were very effective and efficient.
highly recommend them to everyone who wants polls about political races or political issues conducted."

- Joe Carr, Political Candidate

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Consumer Surveys

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Political Polling

-Accurate Sample Demographics

-Experts in Questionnaire Drafting

-Objective Results Free of Bias

We are a true full service research firm that operates an in-house state of the art live interview call center. 

- Advanced Automated/IVR survey system 

- Text to Web 

- Online Panels 

- Email, Postal Mail, Storefront, and more 

Live & Automated Phone Surveys

American Pulse is involved every step of the questionnaire development process to ensure that every survey project is as successful as possible. 

Come with your own survey questions, or let American Pulse develop the questions to fit your needs if you need the support.


Many survey firms will cut corners and collect smaller samples to save on costs. We strive to obtain the largest possible sample size to improve accuracy and reduce margin of error. 

There are also specific methods for cleaning, randomizing & matching that are a must to ensure statistically significant results. We employ enterprise grade software tools (Microsoft SQL Enterprise & IBM SPSS), along with rigorous data handling procedures during our process. 

Data Integrity & Sample Accuracy

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"Surveys with American Pulse have helped us keep visibility on the health of our customer relationships. With these surveys we're able to indicate where SABIC is best serving our commitments with customers so we can continue those practices, as well as opportunities for improving."

- Claud LeClair, Americas CS

"Exceeded my expectations in every respect, conducting highly accurate polls about pending political races for me. " 

- Joe Carr, Political Candidate

Live & Automated Surveys

-Custom Tailored Questioning

-Survey 100k+ Subjects

-Local, State & National Targeting

Consumer Surveys

-In Depth Purchasing Habits

-Learn Consumer Trends

-Precise Market Research

Political Polling

-Accurate Sample Demographics

-Experts in Questionnaire Drafting

-Objective Results Free of Bias

New Hampshire Presidential Poll Just Released!

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